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Impact IT helps AIA on Azure Cloud Transformation Journey

As part of its ongoing digital transformation journey, AIA Insurance Sri Lanka has elevated some of its IT
applications efficiency with advanced cloud technology from Impact IT. AIA Insurance selected Impact IT
to conduct cloud application assessment and commenced application modernization with Share Point
and PowerApps.
“We were able to pick the correct tools and technologies for our transformation journey while
eliminating software maintenance costs by utilizing o365 capabilities with Impact IT solutions,” said AIA
Assistant General Manager – IT Sampath Senadeera.
He added: “We managed to transform five legacy applications into appealing, informative and userfriendly apps that boost our team’s efficiency, using the PowerApps and SharePoint platforms. It’s been a
pleasure working with the Impact IT team that surpassed our expectations.”
The project focused on call center ticketing operations, internal agents’ system access and multiple other
internal processes enhancements, providing AIA with an integrated, efficient solution.
“We have implemented several applications at AIA which has helped the insurance giant boost their
productivity and process efficiency. We moved some of their legacy systems into cloud technology
cutting their IT system maintenance cost significantly,” said Impact IT CEO Shameera Prajapriya.
“We are glad to offer our expertise in Microsoft PowerApps and SharePoint to upgrade and modernize
existing applications. The approach by the AIA IT team that analyzed the benefits of migrating to
Microsoft Azure must be commended,” Prajapriya said.
Impact IT was founded in 2009 by Shameera Prajapriya, who is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
since 2017 for Azure. The Company is a Microsoft Gold Partner and provides software development, web
designing and security solutions for some of Sri Lanka’s leading organizations whilst being experts on
Azure cloud-based streamlining and efficiency improvement of systems and processes.
- www.ft.lk – Impact IT helps AIA on Azure Cloud transformation journey I Daily FT
- themorning.lk – The Morning ePaper: Business News Paper. Business ePaper Online
- lankabusinessnews.com – lankabusinessnews.com/impact-i&helps-aia-on-azure-cloud-transformation-iourney/
- businesscafe.lk – lmpact IT helps AIA on Azure Cloud transformation journey – Businesscafe
- salt.lk-
- maxnews24.com – http://maxnews24.com/engli sh/news/impact-it-hel ps-aia-on-azure-cloud-transformation-journey/
- dailynews. Ik – https://da i ly news. I k/2021/04/26/business/247462 (impact-it-hel ps-aia-azu re-cloud-transformation-journey